Purchasing Source potassium compound(gluconate, phosphate, and acetate) niacin lugol's solution https://www.midwesthealthandnutritioninc.com thyroid flax oil https://www.iherb.com Vitamin D3 Organic cow liver Organic bee pollen Amazon.com Juicer(important) Recommend hydraulic press juicer such as norwalk 120psi pure juicer How About Centrifugal Juicers? The Gerson Institute doesn’t recommend centrifugal juicers because it exposes the juice to two leading causes of nutrient breakdown—oxidation and heat. To put it simply, it destroys the essential healing enzymes in the juice. Here’s what Dr. Gerson, the founder of the Gerson Therapy, said: “When the grinding wheel rotates against a resistance with insufficient access of air, positive electricity is produced and induces negative electricity on the surrounding wall. The exchange of positive and negative ions kills the oxidizing enzymes and renders the juice deficient.” That is on top of the heat and oxidation factor. Dr. Gerson further notes that “In his many years of clinical experience, patients who used centrifugal juicers did not have success with the Therapy.” For a juicer to be Gerson Therapy approved, it should be able to retain the maximum amounts of nutrients and enzymes, and at the same time, the juice should be completely smooth and pulp-free for optimal absorption.